Green Mirai is not Mirai in disguise
Yes, this hits so many Aikatsu themes that I love, and it’s a totally novel take on the “imitation” archetype that’s so often used for antagonists. Everyone has their part to play, and we’re steadily moving forward, although there are still some mysterious left to resolve.
This episode truly was in the top 10 anime betrayals.
I’m impressed that they actually kicked Wakaba out of the audition and scolded her. I was expecting them to go for the usual trope of “well, she may be unathorized, but she performed really well so we’ll take her anyway”.
I had mixed feelings about this episode, but once I saw the preview of the next one I felt way better about it. I hope Wakaba grows to become a great idol, this was a nice and cute first step.
I think I caught Wakaba fever. She’s just too cute!
On a more serious note, Wakaba reminds me of my own copycat ways and struggling to find and establish a personal identity/style over the years. Good stuff!