Turn the heat up and imagine it’s summer
We are proud to present the double feature of Aikatsu and Aikatsu Stars movies! The Aikatsu movie can be watched after the series, and the Aikatsu Stars movie should be watched immediately after episode 18. Of course, most of us had to wait in any case, but for those of you catching up that’s where it goes in the timeline. Enjoy.
Aikatsu! Nerawareta Card: 720 Torrent | 720 Magnet | 1080 Torrent | 1080 Magnet
Aikatsu Stars! The Movie: 720 Torrent | 720 Magnet | 1080 Torrent | 1080 Magnet
Thank you very much for the Aikatsu movies!
Thanks so much! Looking forward to watching both of these.
Thanks, finally I can watch this movie with subs.
When you said the movie can be watched after the series, is it refering to the ep18 or this Nerawareta Card ep?
They meant what they said- for the Aikatsu! movie *not the Stars!*, you can watch it because takes place after the series ended.
For the Aikatsu Stars! Movie, it takes place right after episode 18 happened, so you should watch episode 18 before the Stars! Movie.
I’m not sure which movie you are talking about so I explained both.
Oh my bad..didnt notice its not Stars..so it doesnt related to the Stars! movie. Thanks
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Those months of waiting will be worth it now!
Yesss! Thanks for the subs! <3
Oh my god, I missed the original Aikatsu cast so bad. That movie was a wild ride, but I loved it. It’s pretty silly, but I think I might be crying just a little. (I cry at literally everything, tho, so this isn’t a surprise.)
Nina was there for all of 20 seconds, but it was the best 20 seconds of the movie. (Nina bias activated.)
In the Magic Aikatsu Card episode, I like the calligraphy banner on Otome’s wall. 🙂
I am pretty sure that banner came with the special edition of the bluray. Someone on twitter uploaded a picture of it on their wall.
Thanks for the movies!!
The movie was amazinga nd the short movie made my remember the joy of the first series.
Ps. It was great to see Koharu animated again, only to remember that she is gone :c
Koharu not gone yet, I believe BANDAI will bring her back for sure!
In venus ark…..well i will not give the spoilers here ( will be deleted) but you will like for what is comming.
That was an awesome movie. Thank you for subbing this!
Was great as expected, thanks a lot.
Certain moments in movie heavily imply “special” relationship between Yume and Rola. I love it.
Like those at ~ 43:30 or ~06:30.
I have both downloaded but
For some reason I can’t load the video
First check the CRC. If you’re on Windows, I suggest CCCP with the newest version of mpc-hc. If Mac, I’ll have to get back to you.