Do you have a dream hidden within your heart?
And with this, we have officially reached the end of this iteration of Aikatsu Planet. Aikatsu was a bit different this time, huh? But I found that subbing it was pretty much the same experience as always. I don’t have much to say this time since the last couple episodes already led up to the ending and I got out most of my thoughts. Definitely worth watching this one though, as it gives a lot of cool looks behind the filming.
As announced in the episode, this autumn there will be a new web program with the cast, but from what it says it’ll be more of an information and chatting thing, not an actual story. We’ll see how it is and decide what to do from there, but I’m expecting it to be similar to what went up on Youtube before Planet started.
As always, thank you for joining us on this journey. Always keep the spirit of Aikatsu in your heart, and may we meet again some day, somewhere. Everyone together! Mirror-in!
Thank you for working on this series! I hope that we hear news later this year of an Aikatsu Planet second season for 2022, or a new franchise entry.
Maybe after web series.
Thank you so much for subbing this show! Planet is a new personal favorite of mine.
Thanks for the subkatsu, It always make me smile. I’m currently rewatching Stars for filing the void hehe.💛
SAVE THE DATE: September 9th, Mirror In Lab Grand Opening!
RAW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DQlpX5Aqj8
Mirror In Lab Episode 1 (RAW): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu0lUv57c4I
hi hanna
Will you guys be subbing the Aikatsu Planet! Mirror In☆Lab, as well as the new Aikatsu series coming in October this year? I wish there were other ways to contact/interact with you guys, such as a discord server.. It seems that any chatboxes or anything else are outdated ;w; I want to show my appreciation!!
Will you translate the Aikatsu Planet movie and the short film STARWAY To The Future?
Appreciate your hard work throughout all of Aikatsu’s history. Would you ever consider subbing the Bloomy Cafe segments of Mirror Lab?
Thank you for so many years of subkatsu! Have you thought of subbing the Bloomy Cafe segments of Mirror Lab?
I found this wiki article claiming that Aikatsu Legacy! is the next series, but outside of that I can’t seem to find any info on it (plus it claims it’s going to start on Oct 6, but it’s the 5th and I can’t find any info on it)
I was wondering if you guys knew anything about this? Is it real? A fan series? Delayed? Or just something someone made to troll people?
rip Mezashite