Dreaming of Aikatsu
What’s this? An appreciation day for Aikatsu fans everywhere? That’s right, we’re back to sub the movie! This aired in theaters earlier this year, and here we present just the Aikatsu Planet portion. When Aikatsu Starway to the Future becomes available, we’ll be back once again. In some ways it was hard brushing off the rust (and getting all of my archaic and arcane fansubbing programs working again on a new beef pc, I still don’t have them 100% up and running yet), but it’s like riding a bike or climbing a mountain— once you learn, you never forget. I hope you’ll enjoy this addition to the Aikatsu canon, and we’ll see you again soon.
And of course, releasing today was definitely intentional. Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of Aikatsu airing, and tomorrow is Mezashite’s birthday too.
You the GOAT. Much love.
Awesome stuff, thanks for subbing this.
You guys are genuinely the best, I hope for many more years of Aikatsu subs to come!!
Thank you so much!
Thanks for being there until the end ^__^ .
Thank you 🙂 .
I’m so happy to hear you’ll be subbing Starway to The Future too, I’ll keep a lookout for that, thankyou so much