Aikatsu Friends! – 039

This is Aikatsu!

Finally, we’re back! And in more ways than one. There was that New Year’s break, but also, this episode was Aikatsu down to its core, the very essence of the show. Everything is coming together for this final competition to decide the Friends of Friends. Buckle in.

Also, due to popular demand, I finally got around to uploading everything I’ve written for much of Stars and Friends. You can find links at the very top of the Aikatsu Guide page.

Episode 039: Torrent | Magnet

11 thoughts on “Aikatsu Friends! – 039

  1. Thanks as always. Looking forward to watching this when I get home. As much flak as I may give Friends, at least it’s still some Aikatsu to watch, and it was a boring week without it.

    • They’re two different Cups. It can get confusing, I know.

      If you really want to know what they’re going to do next, keep an eye on the main Aikatsu website or the DCD Twitter account. Part 6 is going to be released on the 31st.

  2. Just wanted to give a special thanks for always providing magnets. With Nyaa now blocked in Aussieland I have a new-found appreciation for them.

      • Thanks. I had for a little while before remembering what it was called. Though I only watch Aikatsu and PreCure nowadays anyway and have an RSS bot feeding me all the PreCure stuff from Nyaa since not all of it goes up on TT and no Anon eps on Anidex. And after hearing what you said about Starlight Revue I checked that out, no batch updates or OVAs on TT but got them and interested to start that.
        Still always come here directly for Aikatsu cause I like reading your posts each week. Thanks again, for everything ^_^

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