How much will racing wear actually sell?
Karen Island! And that can mean only one thing! We got some old Friends back, we got some crazy Aikatsu, and we got a glimpse of the true power of chaos control. This just makes me want to see an Aikatsu and Two Car crossover. I don’t want to give anything away, but from start to finish there’s something worth seeing. Not to mention next episode as well, perfect for this heat.
Thanks for your hard work as always! Do you intend to sub the new Honey Cat/Reflect Moon drama CD? I remember you subbing one which came out a few years ago.
I didn’t even watch this episode or the previous one yet. But from that screenshot I know for SURE this episode was tailor-made for me, being a big racing fan and all! haha
I got ahead of myself, as expected! Cheesy as heck, but this one reminds me of Wacky Races from back in the day. Heck, this one’s also a funny reminder of how rich and ruthless Karen is with her island. And also of her cool pets!
You have to wonder at these brands’ idea to promote their dresses with a race that was supposed to be near impossible to even finish.
Only Aikatsu and Precure can get this crazy with their episode plot and still be amazing. 🙂