Sorry Shiori, I couldn’t resist Ann’s heart pupils
Man, wish I had a Sala of my own to help me dress up. Then again, it’s not like I’d have anywhere to go. This was a nice Shiori episode, with one little part that made me think of Clannad.
Enter: Antagonist
Wow, I know I can’t be the only one who sensed an overflowing aura of evil from Meisa this episode. There were many webs woven this episode, as we followed the perspectives of three separate people entangled in the developing plot. If nothing else, this got me really excited to see how this plays out, especially between Meisa and Ayumi, and how Rose will make her appearance.
Cute new hairstyle
At first, I was expecting this to be a “everyone teaches Mao math” episode, but it turned out to be far more creative, relevant, and impactful compared to what would otherwise be a generic plot. It makes a lot of sense once you think about it after the fact. And finally, we learn about the first major goal the girls have, and what it takes to make it.
It’s Doujima Nina, ya know!
This is it, the climax of the first part. The episode that everything has been slowly building up towards for the first cour. What happens when you find out that the idol you love so much has been lying to you for all this time? We’ll see what everyone thinks, and their own individual feelings towards it.
Six sidles must be sacrificed to birth one idol
Shiori’s view on fairy tale protagonists and idols was a wonderful take on the topic (no pun intended). We got some nice, traditional Aikatsu going this episode, and finally got to see what it looks like to create your own idol avatar. I really want to go outside and try my hand at bouldering once it’s possible again.