Aikatsu! – 59

Ran x Yurika confirmed.

Ran x Yurika confirmed.

Apparently I’m allergic to the city of New York or something.

Showa is uh, the Showa period. Wasshoi is a sound. And addresses in Japan work off the block you’re on, so 3-chome is an address (chou means block; me is an ordinal indicator). We wrote it 3-chome because that’s what it looks like on official romanized Japanese addresses.

Episode 59: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 58

Vishnu, or something.

Vishnu, or something.

In a.f.k.’s Haruhi season one, the lyric “boooon warp de loop na kono omoi wa” from Hare Hare Yukai was misheard as “yuuwaku de yuuutsu na kono omoi wa”. The misheard one, combined with bacteria, describes, sort of, what caused the delay. Or the not-earliness, if that’d be more accurate. Since it feels like Aikatsu always gets delayed.

And now that I think about it, there has to be an Ame Ame Fuyukai out there somewhere…

Episode 58: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 57


When in doubt, use the starry-eyed picture.

Sorry for the lateness. This time, blame the government and other things. (My fault? How could it be my fault?)

Yurukyara are yurui mascot characters, where yurui means, uh, like, easy-going. They’re… kinda a thing. Ebipon is apparently a Pom-Poko-y raccoon dog thing with ebi (shrimp). Or something.

Episode 57: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 56


Does “lightning” rhyme with “brightening”?

“Koi” means “love” (specifically, the romantic passionate kind, as opposed to the kind you might have for a family member). It’s also a kind of fish.

Episode 56: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 54


Come on, introduce Sora already.

Promotional photo = 宣伝材料 (sendenzairyou, or advertisement ingredients) = 宣材 (senzai for short) = 洗剤 (senzai, meaning “detergent/soap”) = a joke.

意外 (igai, which we translated as “candid(ness)”) is kinda like like “igaiga”, which is kind of a throat-tickly sort-of onomatopoetic-ish thing.

Episode 54: Torrent

Oh, and TS I didn’t do after the break.

Continue reading

Aikatsu! – 53


Best non-yuri couple in the show (not that that says much)

The absolute taste thing reminded me of Kitchen Princess (also known as Kitchen no Ohime-sama). Wait… how does one usually romanize お姫様? Ohime-sama looks wrong. O-hime-sama looks stupid. Ohimesama looks awkward.

Whatever. Kitchen Princess. Best shoujo manga I’ve ever read.

(Also, since apparently I should put more notes here, Noelle’s name is spelled that way because that’s what it is. (Seira’s name isn’t spelled Sarah or anything though, because we decided not to.) The Japanese version of do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do comes from the iroha ordering of the Japanese syllabary. And some other notey things you can probably figure out.)

Episode 53: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 51

I picked a really boring release image.

I picked a really boring release image.

Here it is!

Man, I really like the do-re-mi line.

Why can’t I think of anything to write about? Are Aikatsu release posts always this hard to write?

Uh… Ichigo’s name still means strawberry.

Yeah, there we go.

Episode 51: Torrent